Corporate America’s race to restructure is being
grievously felt by the working class. The upswing in the economy is
translating into some workers going back to work but not in the
numbers that were once there. According to U.A.W. statistics, of the
270,000 indefinitely laid off U.A.W. workers, 100,000 are minorities
and women.
Of the workers that won’t return to their
restructured away jobs there is a disproportionate price being paid
by women, young people, Latinos, blacks and other minorities who are
being discriminated against and squeezed out in their bid to regain
employment and again make a meaningful contribution to our
Many believe that since our black population has
only started towards first class citizenship since 1964, (the civil
rights act) that the few short years since the mid-sixties has not
been enough time for the working rights of these people to be totally
homogenized into our system. Thus that last hired first to let go
syndrome is still alive and well. The situation we have been in has
brought an emergence of restlessness and dissatisfaction and what is
needed now is a progression of social and economic change.
So the system is here, it’s engaged and it is
spewing out victimization and what is the prescription for
Have minority men and women reached
parity-racially speaking with their white counterparts?
John Reid, a Howard University Sociologist, wrote
in December 1982 that the gap between blacks and whites is far from
being closed and that a major move by American blacks into mainstream
middle-class America can no longer be considered imminent.
Reid made some profound statements in this paper
such as the blacks life span is 6 years less than the whites life
span, only 8% of adult blacks have a college degree while 18% of
whites have a diploma. There has been a reversal in median income but
by 1980 it had slipped significantly to only 56% of white income. The
present 20% black unemployment rate is more than twice the 9%
unemployment rate for whites.
Failure to address our black worker situation
risks creating an ever larger and more permanent under class within
the black population. Worker exploitation is also not limited to this
country—far from it. The multi nationals sometimes referred to as
“the pirates of the high seas” have been ever so quick in seeking out
countries and setting up operations to exploit workers. One such
country, South Africa, is well known throughout the world for its
civil rights violations and it’s a haven for the multi nationals.
In South Africa blacks are not allowed in certain
white areas. One example of this disgusting system was shown recently
when 24 blacks were accused of being in a white man’s area for more
than 24 hours without permission. Those convicted were ordered to pay
a fine of $33 which to these demoralized people amounts to over a
weeks pay or go to jail for 35 days. This system is called apartide
or race separation and it governs the land in South Africa.
Many say the whites want to keep a black labor
pool to do the dirty and menial jobs in the cities and push the rest
back into their tribal homelands.
In the April issue of “Solidarity”, put out by
the U.A.W., Jim West had an excellent article.
Jim said in this article that “you don’t have to
be a statistician to figure it out. “Just visit the unemployment
lines in any racial mixed neighborhood and you’ll see a
disproportionate number of women, blacks, Latinos, and other
minorities.” “The last hired, they’re often the first fired during a
recession or forced to hustle from one marginal job to another with
long stretches in between.
The perpetuation of a distinct, highly visible,
under class of employment and marginally employed minority not only
tends to undercut the solidarity of all American workers but it
forces down the real wages of white workers as well. The old pit
worker against worker corporate strategy.
Our government has had absolutely no problem
subsidizing big business along through these hard times that wreaked
havoc on middle class America and ruination on our poor and
minorities. Our government has been mistaken in the belief that it
had a mandate to slash poverty programs and in so doing waged war on
our poor.
Clearly, if people in our sector are to be fully
employed, equity suggests that it be work, shared fairly, just as
C.E.R.P suggests. Unfortunately the corporations tend to define
fairness according to their own self interest.
Few Americans have paid a higher price in
joblessness than our black teenagers. The U.S. National average for
our black youth unemployment in December was 50% and the rate is 80%
black youth unemployment in the inner cries. An entire generation of
black Americans are going through a period in which the economy
hasn’t expanded sufficiently to provide them with the job skills and
the confidence they’ll need for the rest of their lives.” This leads
to hopelessness”. What you find is people trying to survive by any
means necessary, by scratching out a living, sometimes less than
The results will be staggering social costs as
today’s jobless teenagers try to make their way through tomorrow’s
world of microelectronics and the sophisticated training it will
Portrait Of A Black Man
To get a personal black perspective I’ve asked a
well respected good friend of mine and union brother Revis Burton,
who happens to be black, to share some of his experiences and
personal views on the black worker’s heritage and situation.
Revis is 61 years of age and will be retiring
next year after 30 years at General Motors. Revis went after
graduation from high school in Meridian, Miss. in 1943 to the service
where he was honorably discharged in 1946. He attended Alcorn
University from 1946-1948 and then sold life insurance and was
self-employed until he hired into G.M.’s Fisher 2 plant in Flint, MI
in 1954.
Revis became active in the U.A.W. back in 1956
when he served on the U.A.W. Community Service Committee and then the
education and by-laws committee and served on many other special
union positions such as the Constitutional Convention.
Revis has also been active in the community
serving as the President of the “Boys Luxes Club in Meridian, Senior
Warden of Lodge #150 F and AM and Chairman of the Deacon Board of the
Foss Ave. Missionary Baptist Church.
Revis belongs to a multitude of groups and
organizations such as NAACP Urban League, Michigan Sheriff
Association, etc.
Revis hired into General Motors back in the early
1950’s there was racial discrimination, harassment and intimidation.
Prior to WWII blacks were only permitted in foundries and sanitation
jobs but during the war, the manpower shortage was such that blacks
were finally allowed on the assembly line not because G.M. was
stepping up to equal treatment but simply because blacks were
The U.A.W. began taking a strong stand on
discrimination when Walter Ruther came on the scene and made an issue
on senority and black issues. That was the beginning of a progression
of social change in the U.A.W. From that point on, many improvements
were instituted from outside groups supported by the U.A.W.
As late as 1958, Sam Ducan,who happened to be
black, was past president of U.A.W. Local 598 ,my local, at Fisher 2
in Flint. He fought and managed to get a minority woman hired into
the plant. Management kept her 89 days, 1 day short of achieving
tenure or seniority and then laid her off. It took almost two more
years for Sam to get another minority woman, (Chicano), hired in. She
was also laid off just before she achieved seniority,
In those days the three worst areas in the plants
were, sanitation, cab shop, and boxcar unloading and consisted
primarily of blacks. Blacks also found a built in system of
discrimination that took decades to improve.
Outside of the plants if you were black and went
on a southern vacation and if you could find a restaurant that would
serve you, you had to go in a separate side entrance marked
“Coloreds”. Once inside the restaurant you and your family were
segregated from the white patrons who ate from the fancy clean tables
while your family usually ate from the bar.
When filling up on gas you had to pick a larger
gas station that had two sets of restrooms one for whites and one for
the so-called coloreds.
Once in Alabama Revis was filling up with gas
when the attendant noticed his wife heading for the restrooms. The
attendant immediately cut off the gas and shouted, “We don’t have
restrooms for the coloreds” !
Blacks weren’t allowed in southern roadside parks
because there were no “colored facilities”.
In 1961 Revis built a new duplex home in Flint
and couldn’t get it approved by the FHA. They said it was over built
for the black community but Revis later found out that in the year
1961 only one black man Was successful in the north end of Flint in
getting an FHA loan and he was a local politician.
This was Revis’s heritage and just a small
portion of some of the many situations that arose for him and his
family because they happened to be born black.
Discrimination of any kind is wrong morally,
ethically and socially. It creates a situation where entire groups of
our citizens are not allowed to contribute to our system and their
collective potential and talent go largely untapped.
Revis’ problems have been shared by an entire
race and we can learn much by listening to those that have paid such
a cost and still stand as survivors. Revis is an outstanding
spokesman for the union and in the community and I am proud to call
him friend.
Black Perspective- By Revis Burton
In the 1940’s and 1950’s blacks were excluded
from such factory jobs as truck driving, inspection, skilled trades,
and metal finishers. To become a clerk, secretary, or supervisor was
It is a perception by some that blacks cannot
think, learn and are biologically inferior to others and when a black
person is successful the perception is that they are an exception to
the rule.
Unless change is instituted minorities are
destined to continue being the victims to corporate restructuring.
Our black youth will continue to be the recipients of poor quality
education therefore reducing their participation in employment
The priorities in this country have been geared
for too long, only toward giant corporate profits without the
individuals social well being considered.
I submit that without workers sharing in the
increased productivity derived from the restructuring and directing
it in the ways the C.E.R.P. program suggests that this nation could
become a nation of massive blue collar victimization.
Where are the blue-collar workers and others
displaced by this restructuring going to go? We were forced from the
farms in the early part of this century by mechanical automation- we
can’t go back there. Some say the new high tech areas will create
jobs in ration to job lost, but will they? And how do we get these
Will one half of the workforce take care of the
other half? Will 5% of the population reap the wealth of this rich
nation and the other 95% live in poverty? If so, who is
I suggest that the blue-collar worker set aside
all differences whether racial or otherwise and unite for the common
good of all and save this nation and ourselves from potential
Revis Burton
All metal working sector workers are paying a
terrific price and if ratio wise women, blacks, Latinos, and other
minorities have been impacted the greatest, then numerically whites
have felt the greatest impact.
Our situation certainly transcends gender or
ethnic considerations and is a basis for a multi ethnic blue-collar
coalition in support of the C.E.R.P. concept, which changes workers
and community status from victim to co-beneficiary. President Reagan
is on C.E.R.P.’s national mailing list. Are you listening to the
grass roots workers of America Mr. Reagan?
Mike Westfall
Chairman of National C.E.R.P. Committee
Copyright 2004: " Web Site Creator/Editor : Bernie Lowthian / America's Workers For Historical Accuracy ": October 15, 2004