Written by Michael Westfall 7/15/90
INTRODUCTION ...............
OVERVIEW .................
COALITION ................
CONCLUSION ................
SOURCES .................
Today's existing prescription of dealing with
America's health care costs, quality and accessibility is
Our methods have been in effect for so long that
various elements of the system are now feeding upon themselves and
have become an uncontrollable self-perpetuating force whose
insatiable appetite cannot be curbed.
If your family lacks the finances then they won't
get the needed health care.
Rocketing health care costs are driving downwards
our standard of living and quality of life, as more and more
employers are demanding that workers pick up part of the costs as
they force consumers to pay higher prices for goods and services that
reflect higher health care prices.
Clearly, we have a national crisis on our hands
and it is a war that won't be won with bullets and bombs but
collective intellect leading to some form of national health
insurance for all our citizens.
The U.A.W. has been an institution committed to
dynamic social change and U.A.W. members enjoy a measure of the
world's best health care yet the scope of the health in-surance
crisis in this country today surpasses even what the worlds strongest
and most socially motivated union can hope to address at the
negotiating table.
The U.A.W., doesn't operate in a vacuum and has
always operated within the context that organized workers will
ad-vance not at the communities expense but in concert with the
My intent of this position paper is to develop a
con-sensus to deal with our health sectors interconnected prob-lems
which include the unsustainable rising of costs, the outrageous
allocation of resources, the unequal distribution of benefits and
burdens and the increasing numbers of our citizens who lack the
availability to medical care. Living without medical insurance in the
1990's holds a great many risks.
One injury or illness will start you through a
hospitals emergency room door which will cost you several hundred
dollars and if you had to stay for a few days it could take you years
of struggling to pay the bill for just one single illness or
From a unionist perspective it is critical that a
joint Union-Management coalition be developed to aggressively work
for the solution of these various elements through an intense program
to design an achievable national health program.
The desperate need for a program of national
health care in this country, to control inflation, and permit equal
access to quality health care for all our citizens has never been
Health care costs in this nation are going up at
double the rate of inflation and now cost $600 billion a year or a
debilitating 11.5% of our gross national product. By comparison,
Canada spends 8.5% of its gross national product on health care;
Japan 6.7% and Britain 6.2%.
By the year 2,000 it is estimated that if health
care costs continue to rise at today's rates that we will be
spend-ing 15% of our gross national product on health care and at
that point even our big auto companies will break under the cost
burden. If America's premier manufacturing companies will not be able
to afford employee health care - who will?
Today, some conservative studies indicate that 37
million American's live their lives without health care coverage. One
out of ten Americans die each year before their first birthday
because of the lack of adequate health care.
Twenty five million of our citizens without
health coverage are employed at least part time and ironically end up
subsidizing, through with-holding taxes, the medical coverage of one
of our better protected segments of society which is our senior
citizens enrolled in the Medicare program.
About twenty million of this segment every year
does not receive needed care because they cannot afford it.
Only a surprisingly small percentage of the
dollars spent for health care in this country gets through the layers
of medical bureaucracy, and needless testing procedures back to the
patient for actually needed health care.
Many of these citizens are suffering from
illnesses and injuries that are either preventable or treatable if
access to health care services had been provided at an earlier time.
Our health care system is so inefficient that we pay up to seven
times more for some of the same operations and medical procedures
done in Canada under their more efficient national health care
Even Bail Wilensky, who is vice chairman of
President Bush's task force on health care reform and head of the
"Health Care Financing Administration" acknowledges that federal
attempts to control hospital costs haven't done the job.
In Forbes magazine, June 1990, Wilensky stated
that hospitals have jacked the bills up rather than become more
efficient and that the medical care system has be-come an inefficient
engine for wealth redistribution.
Our competitive ability is dying a slow death due to rising health care costs.
In 1988 domestic automakers paid about $5,800 for
health care for each employee or between $600-$-700 for every vehicle
produced. Assuming that health care costs continue at today's rate of
increase this will translate into $980 for employee health care costs
for every domestic vehicle produced in 1993, at that rate just how
much longer will America's pre-mier manufacturing industries remain
By contrast, competitive companies that operate
in coun-tries that have a national health care program spend
signi-ficantly less per vehicle produced for employee health care
including Japan at $246 per vehicle produced and Canada at $223 per
vehicle produced. This gives non-domestic producers a profound
pricing edge putting U.S. businesses at a compet-itive
The helter-skelter design of our health system
has led to a helter-skelter reimbursement situation where many
employers have become expert at shifting the costs to others and this
ability to shift costs has created large incentives for many other
employers to not provide employee group health insur-ance at all.
Rising health care costs have encouraged some
employers to demand co-pays and-or deductibles from workers along
with cut backs on benefits.
A recent study by the Service Employees
International Union (SEIU) clearly shows that many strikes are now
occurring over rising health care costs.
According to this study the number of strikes
caused by labor-management confrontations in the last three years
over who will pick up the escalating health care costs has more than
Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
found that in 1989 alone, work stoppages, related to health insurance
bargaining cost the United States economy over $1.1 billion due to
lost wages and productivity losses.
In 1986, health care costs were the main reason
for 78% of all strikes.
With employers attempting to put the costs off
onto workers and unions more inclined then ever before to strike over
this issue the only way out is a major change in the way health care
is provided in this country.
Access to care is based exclusively on ability to
pay, quality of care is varied and provider abuse is out of
The performance of unneeded medical procedures;
surgery and the prescribing of unnecessary pharmaceuticals are all
elements we have to deal with while assuring the access to necessary
health care services to all citizens.
The June 1990 issue of "Investors Digest", one of
Wall Streets investment letters, tells of how to profit from the on
going U.S. health care crisis. The investment letter says that a
major play in stocks is in the area of prescrip-tion drugs because
their price has been rising so fast over the last few years and the
trend will continue as America's population ages and the demand
Money will continue to be made by wealthy money
movers at the expense of our less fortunate unless we correct this
Collectively these statistics are very chilling
and for us to continue down the road of ignoring this situation as
the grave and growing competitive and social crisis that it is, is
very dangerous to our country and way of life.
Today many top U.S. business leaders are finally
speaking out on the necessity of a national health programs.
There is clearly theoretically and conceptually a
better way and the timing has put us at a point of no return. We must
act. We now have a window of opportunity open to us to turn this
collective concern into a coalition designed to develop a public
consensus and legislative action for a national health program.
Labor unions, by their very nature will play a
key role in the success of a U.S. national health insurance plan.
Over the past four decades the U.A.W. has been a
key leader in the fight that created the health care breakthroughs
that have set the pattern for the rest of the nation. Today union
workers are facing an uphill fight on the issue of health care
benefits and these costs are crowding out other impro-vements in the
compensation package, including wages.
The first thing on the bargaining table is health
care and whatever is left over goes to other things.
The U.A.W. has always blocked company demands
against shifting the costs onto the backs of workers and has
demand-ed that health care providers deliver cost effective-quality
It is, as it should be, very difficult for
employers to reduce employee benefits that were won through
bargaining in good faith. The solution today lies in labor and
business joining forces to develop a method or blend of methods to
control health care costs without reducing or compromising benefits.
Meaningful cooperation in coalition form must begin. Rocketing health
care costs adversely affects international competition and places the
jobs of millions of American workers in jeopardy.
The U.A.W. believes that the disparity of cheaper
health care costs has become a major incentive by multinational
corporations to shift jobs and production capacity to other
countries. What is so difficult to understand about this?
The U.A.W. believes that businesses should not be
forced to compete on the basis of health care costs and that since
all employers presently pay the same percentage of wages to social
security, in order to provide a basic level of retire-ment income to
workers that the same principle should also be applied to finance
health insurance for their workers.
Health insurance costs for every sector would be
profound-ly reduced as this national health insurance package was
The numbers are growing on both sides of the
bargaining table calling for support for national health care reform.
That is the only way to stop the out of control costs and eliminate
declining access and wipe out the unfair subsidy used by those
employers who refuse to provide coverage for their employees.
The U.A.W. is calling for enactment of a
comprehensive national health insurance plan.
The first necessary step in achieving this will
be the development of a labor-business coalition.
Employer efforts to cut back on health insurance
have become a major issue in recent collective bargaining
Even those workers who successfully resist
cutbacks lose because rising health care costs leave very little left
for improved wages and other benefits. Rising health insurance costs
are certainly not limited to big business and I know in Mich-igan, as
in all states, a healthy climate for small busi-nesses is
Overcapacity, foreign competition and corporate
restructuring have led to the downsizing of most major corporations
leaving it up to the small companies to create most new jobs.
86% of Michigan's businesses employ fewer than 20
workers and Michigan is a good barometer for the other important
Great Lakes States.
Because smaller companies have fewer employees
their insur-ance rates can be double the rates of the larger
The employer costs of health care is more than
the costs of unemployment insurance, workers compensation and
business taxes combined and many small firms no longer offer health
insurance benefits to their employees because of this.
Adding to businesses resistance is the reality
that start-ing in 1992 they will have to start listing their
liability for retiree health insurance premiums on their balance
sheets which will have the result of reducing reported earning. G.M.,
Ford, and Chrysler have expressed interest in scrapping their
individual health plans for one combined "big three" plan.
Multi employer benefit plans already common in
trucking and building trades are cheaper because they are funded on
cents-per-hour basis that eliminates each company's liabil-ity. The
auto companies have met several times discussing this issue.
The medical professionals and the large private
health insurance providers who continue to make incredible fortunes
on our unfair and inefficient system released a survey in April 1990
that said 94 out of 100 top executive respondents opposed national
health in-surance. Why did this group oppose it when it would
ultimately lower their cost for employee health care? It doesn't make
sense and clearly demonstrates the need for a labor-business
coalition so the program can be developed jointly with all sides
understanding the extensive benefits.
The Health Insurance Association of America said
they ordered the survey after becoming worried that the public might
believe that Chrysler Chairman, Lee Iacocca, one of the nations top
business executives, speaks for American business when he strongly
advocates a government health plan to deal with rising health costs
based purely on his keen business perspective.
Recently two very large domestic companies
negotiated a commitment to national health care in their
In its labor agreement Bethlehem Steel committed
to establish a labor-management coalition whose purpose was to create
and pursue a national health insurance policy.
In its labor agreement AT&T also agreed that
the health care crisis could not be solved at the bargaining table
because of the scope of the problems including cost, quality and
access. AT&T said it will join labor to participate in the public
policy debate over the new direction the countries' health care
delivery system must take at both the national and state levels.
Employers are beginning to understand that only a
national program can deal effectively with the health care
The more enlightened managers are beginning to
stand up and proclaim that a national health program is essential for
domestic industry to compete in the international market.
I know the U.A.W. believes we have the
opportunity to harness this concern into a coalition, which will
promote, develop, and encourage the enactment of a national health
Our medical system can do miracles but the way in
which it is used and funded is unfair, inefficient, uncompetitive and
cannot be sustained for very much longer.
Our health care system is provider driven by the
doctors, hospitals for profit, drug producers, medical equipment
supp-liers and insurance carriers. The actual patient has very little
impact on the costs compared to these companies that have turned the
system into a provider driven big business which feeds upon
The corporations that pay the bill have no voice
as to how the money is spent. Hospitals and doctors benefit
handsomely and directly because their situation is strictly a fee for
service insur-ance reimbursement system out of control that has no
success-ful provisions for cost containment.
Leyden hospital in Chicago recently offered a
gift of either a portable cellular phone or a fax machine as an
incentive to every one of their doctors that performed ten or more
operations over a nine-week period. There is no guaran-tee that this
same practice isn't occurring on a much larger scale. Pharmaceutical
companies have given airfare, bonuses, free dinners and even NBA
basketball tickets as incentives to those who prescribe their
There is no question that when incentive bonuses
are offered health care bills are needlessly run up. Who is
address-ing the question of ethics in this situation?
While it is critical to immediately develop a labor-business coalition to creatively study the many health care models available from Canada, Japan, Germany, France, and elsewhere and intelligently develop our own we must be equally aware of the forces who feel they would benefit by our failure. They are the ones who would spend millions of dollars in an attempt to defeat any health care legisla-tion that we would propose.
In a recent mailing to doctors across the nation
the American Medical Association requested $200 from each doctor to
publicize on television and elsewhere their view of the problems with
national health care.
It is the medical profession that fought against
the U.A.W.'s historic prescription drug program by calling it
socialized medicine. When the U.A.W. negotiated the prescription drug
program only a handful of drug stores would fully participate. The
rest forced their U.A.W. customers to fill out special cum-bersome
forms for reimbursement purposes.
Eventually the drug stores that wouldn't fully
cooperate found themselves with fewer customers and quickly decided
to get on board.
This is but one example that clearly demonstrates
that methods can be achieved and financial penalties developed to
force participation by those who put their self interests above the
Today the medical profession is the most likely
to lobby and fight against national health insurance because their
associate members are the ones that benefit handsomely from the
systems inefficiencies.
Playing power politics, sabotaging plans through
misconcep-tions and blocking essential steps can no longer be
toler-ated. A labor-business health coalition must be created and
this coalition needs to discuss the concerns and garner the support
of the A.M.A. There is a new atmosphere and time is changing things.
The old ways are being wiped out of exist-ence and a new cooperative
priority is arising, as it should because tomorrow we will be held
socially responsible for the decisions we make today.
While the only real solution for the health care
crisis in this nation is a national health care policy, which our
ofederal government has so far failed miserably to provide leadership
to achieve, many states in desperation are pre-sently developing
minimum coverage health care programs for those citizens that have
fallen through the safety net.
There are at least nineteen states that have
developed some type of gap group health insurance protection for
their population under age 65.
The coverage's are designed to cover the
population that still lacks insurance or the so-called "gap group"
that falls between private insurance and Medicaid.
Some of the different states programs mandate that employees "must" offer health insurance to their employee's, with the employers getting a tax credit.
Other programs offer subsidized health care for
pregnant women, children and the disabled.
California offers low-income employees and their
low profit employer's access to the states "Medical" program. These
various programs all go under the guidelines to the New York State
Department of Heaths 1989 proposal for uni-versal health coverage
called "UNY*CARE". U.N.Y.*CARE'S design rests on two principles. The
first principle is that universal coverage can only be afforded by
accepting and strengthening the system of private employer based
insurance and expanding public programs for those not in that
The second principle is that incremental
improvement must be linked to a fundamental reform of the payment
system with all providers facing a single payer and with all
residents being assured access to a sufficient level of care.
Presently we have fifteen states that have
"active" commissions designed to study health care financing and
access issues. All of the fifteen states programs cover doctor's
procedures, outpatient surgery, ambulance, emer-gency room and
hospital inpatient including room and board, surgeon's fees,
anesthesiologist fees, doctor's visits and prescriptions.
Almost al1 of these state programs covered
outpatient physicals, immunizations, physical therapy, outpatient
pre-scriptions with a co-pay and hearing/eye exams. Some states such
as Virginia and Washington have enacted laws permitting small
employers to offer more limited health plans stripped of more costly
mandated benefits.
In Flint, Michigan our Michigan Health Access
project offers premium subsidies to employers for low income, former
well fare recipients whom they employ.
Oregon's approach to health care represents the
most contro-versial proposal under discussion.
The Oregon reform is directed at trading
unlimited services for universal access.
Under the 1989 proposal arrangement, Oregon would
guarantee limited health services to every Oregon citizen whose
income is below the federal poverty level. The private sector would
be responsible for providing equal or greater benefits to those
workers who earn more.
Oregon studies indicate that eliminating a few
expensive operations from the list of state funded procedures would
enable Oregon to almost double the number of citizens cover-ed by
Basically all of the state initiatives include
mandating employers to offer their employees health insurance with
the help of tax incentives and tax credits, state subsidized
insurance programs to make insurance more affordable, risk pools to
cover the medically uninsurable, reform of the pri-vate insurance
market to make insurance more affordable and task forces and
commissions appointed by governors and legis-latures to study various
financing and access issues.
The well meaning creators and promoters of these
programs should all be commended but I believe all of these programs
are just "half way" measures or a "band aid" regional approach to a
national problem.
Of course all of our citizens need health care
but the only method that would drive costs down so we could afford
health care for all of our citizens is to have the health care
spon-sored on a national basis and thus far the federal government
has failed miserably in providing the necessary leadership to achieve
Each of our states clearly recognize that there
is a seri-ous deficiency in health care in this country and I would
like to point out again that this just adds evidence to the argument
of the need to establish a joint labor-business health coalition.
While it is easy to develop and discuss the
problematic arguments it is not so simple to develop workable
solutions but that is exactly what we must have a mandate to do.
As a nation we can no longer afford to waste
billions of dollars for an inefficient health care system that slices
our competitive ability by forcing upwards the price of every product
we produce.
We must develop a labor-business coalition, which
will address the unfair distribution of health care burdens.
The coalition will study all existing health care
programs from other nations and garner the best ideas to design and
implement a program capable of guaranteeing every U.S. citi-zen a
minimum level of government sponsored health services.
The coalition will enlist the cooperation of this
countries top labor, business and governmental leaders. This is vital
because this will cooperatively offer collective and some-times
diverging opinions, ideas and sensitivities.
The alternative is an increasingly desperate mix
of con-flicting solutions.
The coalition will work closely together
developing a consensus and blending this researched information into
a comprehensive impact study which will disclose all details of
existing situation, disclose all known details including objectives,
likely impact and legal ramifications of each, potential solution and
project what wide ranging conse-quences can be expected if projected
solutions are not acted upon.
The coalition will bring all of the information
together and study if it would be feasible to divert existing funding
for programs like Medicaid, Medicare, etc. to this new pro-gram.
The coalition will conduct major working
conferences feat-uring top union, business, government and medical
leaders as main speakers.
These conferences will quickly garner the
spotlight and create a national theatre for the coalition's work
allowing the nation to see and hear the common concern and resulting
solutions that reflect the emerging future rather than the obsolete
I believe it is time to create a joint
labor/business coalition to work for a national health program and
logic should prevail. A major dimension to the coalition would be to
operate under a building block approach where the coalition would
agree upon a need and then pursue the steps necessary to achieve the
The coalition's objectives would be to break down
the barr-iers that bar providers and consumers from the real cost of
medical services and eliminate the current incentives for medical
care overuse.
The key word is efficiency by redirecting
existing monies and utilizing them more efficiently.
The duties of the coalition will be to develop a
blueprint for total population health care access at an affordable
cost which will challenge us to develop ways of using all of our
resources efficiently.
The coalition will have a burning mission to
transfer the health care dilemma from the bargaining table to the
legislature's tables.
The debate aired in my position paper could lead
directly to a better way and if we can all put the cause above
our-selves for just a short period of time we will become the social
melting pot of the country by making history and delivering our
system modernized and fully up to date to the door steps of the next
The United States with its people, way of life
and politi-cal structure is the most envied and successful country
and system in the history of mankind.
We have the most to lose or gain. There will be
very definite penalties for not correcting our health care crisis if
we fail and very profound benefits when we succeed. Let us put the
cause above ourselves and get the job done.
Michael Westfall- U.A.W
Copyright 2004: " Web Site Creator/Editor : Bernie Lowthian / America's Workers For Historical Accuracy ": Jan 05, 2005